

發(fā)布于:2020-10-23 17:25:20

品牌名稱:MTI Instruments


  • 依據電壓、電荷、速度信號反饋

  • 提供正玄波、方波、三角形波、脈沖波

  • 0.1~100KHz頻率波形

  • 自動熱補償

  • 低壓橋模擬 易于調制

  • 高精度:電壓和充電信號精度達0.05%

  • 產品詳情

The MTI 1510A is a sophisticated two-channel, battery-powered, microprocessor-controlled direct digital signal generator.  Its rugged exterior design with battery-powered use makes it the ideal troubleshooting and diagnostic tool for deployment in the field.

It can generate a sine wave, a square wave, a sawtooth wave and triangle continuous signals on both channels as well as single pulse and odd pulses on the B channel to simulate tachometer output pulses.



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