
SP-55 series single cylinder engine

發(fā)布于:2020-02-21 16:35:15

品牌名稱:3W Engines


SP-55 series single cylinder engine

The single cylinder engine of the SP-55 series is designed with twin spark plugs and can be equipped with a carburetor or a fuel injection.

  • 產品詳情

The single cylinder engine of the SP-55 series is designed with twin spark plugs and can be equipped with a carburetor or a fuel injection. The rear output shaft and the position of the carburetor or the fuel injection on the side, make this engine to one of the most compact 1-cylinder engines on the market. Because of the rear output shaft, a generator can be mounted on the back of the engine. All fuel injected engines are equipped with the ignition HKZ215 and the ECU030.

SP-55 TS


SP-55 HF FI TS ROS (coming soon)

SP-55 FI TS ROS range extender for multicopter (coming soon)

> TS  Twin Spark, FI  Fuel Injection, HF  Heavy Fuel, ROS  Rear output shaft



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